July 17, 2023

Your Options For Full Mouth Dental Restoration In Perth

If you’re having all or most of your teeth replaced, the process is called full mouth restoration (also known as full mouth reconstruction or rehabilitation). Obviously, it’s a larger, more complicated process than just replacing one or two missing teeth. It’s also not simply one treatment. There are many potential treatment options involved and many avenues for full-mouth dental restoration in Perth.

To restore something means to bring it back to its former state or condition. Full mouth restoration is a treatment designed for those who have either lost all of their teeth or a significant number of them. It’s a way to restore your confidence in your appearance while keeping at bay the health consequences that missing teeth can lead to.

Next Smile Australia provides treatment with All-on-4® in Perth, an advanced form of restorative dentistry that gives you a new smile in just one day. So what is it that makes All-on-4® different from other forms of restorative dental treatments, and why should you consider treatment with All-on-4® in Perth?

What is Full Mouth Restoration?

Full mouth restoration is the practice of restoring, replacing, or reconstructing all of the teeth in a patient’s mouth. It can involve fixing some teeth and replacing others and is a common procedure for patients who have lost all or most of their teeth due to causes like injury, illness, or trauma.

Dental professionals such as orthodontists, periodontists, and oral surgeons can be involved in the process of full mouth reconstruction. Procedures can include traditional dental implants, fillings, crowns, orthodontics, dental bridges, dentures, inlays and onlays, porcelain veneers, etc.

Full mouth restoration is not a one-size-fits-all procedure, and the length of time it takes depends on your personal situation. Seeking treatment with All-on-4® in Perth, however, is one of the fastest and most effective treatment options on the market.  

Full Mouth Restoration Treatment Options

Here are a few of the most common procedures you may undergo when seeking full-mouth dental restoration in Perth:

Traditional dental implants

Traditional dental implants are artificial teeth that are permanently attached to the jawbone by a series of titanium screws. On top of the screws, ceramic crowns are designed to look like your genuine teeth. Traditional dental implants look and function like real teeth, but the process of getting them can be a long one with multiple appointments for treatment and drawn-out recovery times. If missing teeth have led to a weakened jawbone, dental bone grafting may also be required, which can stretch the process out even longer.

Dental crowns and bridges

Dental crowns are ceramic covers that fit over implants or damaged teeth and are designed to look like and replicate the function of natural teeth. Bridges are replacement teeth or rows of them supported on either side by crowns attached to functional teeth.

Dental veneers

Similar to crowns, dental veneers are very thin layers of porcelain about two millimetres in thickness. They’re the same colour as the rest of your tooth and are designed to cover flaws like chips and cracks.


Fillings are among the most common dental procedures, and most people have at least one. Dentists carry out fillings by using tooth-coloured composite material to fill the hole in your tooth.

Root canal

The root canal becomes necessary when a cavity or crack in your tooth reaches all the way to the pulp. Your dentist removes the infected pulp during the operation and fills your tooth with dental material.

Why All-on-4®?

All-on-4® is a way to reclaim your smile without the need for awkward dentures or more invasive procedures.
A form of treatment pioneered by Dr Paulo Malo in 1998, it requires supporting an entire “bridge” or arch of new teeth with four implants: two at the front and two at the back in one jawbone.

Next Smile Australia uses ‘The Malo Protocol’, the two-stage treatment process designed by Dr Malo himself. In stage one of the process, you’ll receive your “provisional bridge” or first set of provisional teeth to wear for three to six months while the implants fuse with your jawbone (osseointegration). Once that stage is complete, you’ll be ready for your “final bridge” or final set of teeth.

All-on-4® has many unique benefits, especially when compared to other forms of dental restoration. These include:

A proven 98% success rate

Studies have shown All-on-4® is successful in the majority of cases, with a proven 98% success rate and hundreds of thousands of successful procedures performed.

No dental bone grafting required

All-on-4® implants are placed in areas that avoid the weaker spots of the jawbone. So even if your jawbone is lacking in density, there’s no need for dental bone grafting.

A new smile in just one-day

Full mouth restoration is usually a long process of treatment that requires a lot of recovery time. With All-on-4® in Perth, you only have to wait 24 hours at most after your implant surgery for your first set of provisional teeth.

Peace of mind

When you receive full mouth dental restoration in Perth with Next Smile Australia, you know you’ll be in the capable hands of a team with a wealth of experience and training. You’ll also be treated with advanced, state-of-the-art technology.

Am I Suitable?

How to pay for All-on-4<sup>®</sup>

The best way to find out if you’re suitable for All-on-4® is to book a personal consultation with a member of the Next Smile Australia team. The procedure is a significant one. If you only have one or two missing teeth, other forms of treatment, such as traditional dental implants, are more appropriate. However, there’s a strong chance that All-on-4® in Perth is the ideal treatment for you if any of the following apply:

  • You’ve lost all or most of your teeth due to injury, illness, tooth decay, or trauma.
  • You had advanced gum disease.
  • You can’t have your teeth restored by traditional means or see no benefits to doing so.
  • You have ill-fitting dentures.

Book a Consultation at Next Smile Australia Perth

Next Smile Australia Perth can provide you with a full mouth restoration treatment using the benefits of All-on-4® in Perth.

Founded in 2023 by Senior Dental Implants Clinicians Dr Daniel Abbondanza and Dr Caroline Kowalski, Next Smile Australia Perth brings the power of full mouth dental restoration to Perth.

Like our other Super Clinics, Next Smile Australia Perth has facilities such as an on-site dental laboratory and surgery room. The staff members are trained, and the technology is designed to provide you with a pleasant, peaceful, and efficient treatment experience during every stage of your All-on-4® in Perth. 

Dr Abbondanza graduated from the University of Western Australia in 2003 with a Bachelor of Dental Science. Since then, he’s completed his primary examinations for the Royal Academy of Australian Dental Surgeons and completed a master's in implant dentistry from UCLA, finishing at the top of the class. He has lectured internationally on implant dentistry.

Dr Kowalski completed a Bachelor in Medicine and Surgery in 2003 from The University of Birmingham, then a Bachelor of Dentistry with Honours in 2011 from King’s College University in London. She worked in hospitals throughout the UK in areas like ENT for years before moving into dental practice. A member of both the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and the Faculty of Dentistry at the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland, she’s worked in private general practice since moving to Australia in 2015. She speaks Polish, Spanish, and Swedish and has a reputation for deep care and compassion for patients’ well-being.

For more information about All-on-4® in Perth and to book a personal consultation, contact Next Smile Australia Perth. 
