August 18, 2021

NobelSpeedy Groovy Implants: The Bedrock Of All-on-4®

Are you about to receive dental implants and heard your dental surgeon mention the name Speedy Groovy? All Next Smile™ All-on-4® centres rely on Nobel Biocare Speedy Groovy dental implants as part of our Gold Standard treatment protocol. Today, we’ll discuss what NobelSpeedy Groovy implants are and why they are integral to the success of your All-on-4® treatment.

Healthy teeth and gums aren’t something to be taken for granted. Scientific reports recently concluded that tooth decay is the most common chronic disease in Australia. Shockingly, 90 percent of Aussies suffer from some form of the condition, with one in four people leaving tooth decay untreated. In 15 per cent of the population, cavities and gum disease lead to severe tooth loss.

When the remaining teeth are too far gone to be saved, dental implants can provide a cost-effective and permanent solution to missing or decayed teeth. In recent years, All-on-4® with dental implants have gained increasing popularity in Australia. 

Leading the way in dental implant treatments, Next Smile™ All-on-4® centres exclusively use original NobelSpeedy Groovy implants for the renowned method of full-arch restoration.  

All-on-4® with dental implants replaces a full arch of teeth on only four NobelSpeedy Groovy implants. It is a superior treatment solution for permanent, new teeth in less than 24 hours. Next Smile™ All-on-4® Centres adhere to the scientifically proven 2-stage bridge protocol - as the inventor of the procedure, Dr Paulo Malo, intended.  

Dental implants are one of the best ways to replace damaged or missing teeth as they offer a permanent, long-lasting restoration. With All-on-4® and dental implants, you’ll receive a permanent solution that not only looks natural and feels great, but functions just like real teeth. The procedure itself is minimally invasive to allow for a swift recovery. 

What are NobelSpeedy Groovy implants? 

NobelSpeedy Groovy is a type of dental implant with patented grooves. They’re slightly tapered and have a fully threaded body to maximise the stability and support of the implant - even in soft bone. To offer surgical flexibility, NobelSpeedy implants come in different lengths and diameters, to be used at the dental surgeon’s discretion. 

NobelSpeedy is an endosseous (meaning contained within a bone) dental implant made from biocompatible titanium with a TiUnite surface to allow for greater osseointegration (the integration in the jaw bone).

All-on-4® treatments use four Speedy Groovy dental implants including inserting two in the jaw at an angle in the posterior part of the jaw avoiding sinuses and thin, poor quality bone. In combination with the unique shape of the implants, this provides a stable foundation for a permanent tooth replacement (your bridge) to be attached to. The result looks and feels fantastic, and most importantly, allows you to eat, speak and smile with confidence!

Nobel Biocare is the world leader in implant-based dental restorations. The Swisse company manufactures dental implants and related products of superior quality and is highly invested in scientific research.

speedy groovy implants 


What are the benefits of Speedy Groovy implants? 

There are several dental advantages to both patients and dentists. 

  • Speedy Groovy implants are designed for immediate loading. Developed to cut through locally dense bone and facilitate bicortical anchorage, Nobel Biocare introduced this implant to ensure high initial stability in soft to medium bone, thus enabling the immediate function protocol pioneered by Dr Paulo Malo. 
  • In combination with the 2-stage bridge protocol, the use of Speedy Groovy implants results in a shorter treatment time and reduced cost (compared to conventional full-arch treatments) 
  • Speedy Groovy implants enable dentists to use a graftless approach to full-arch restoration, even when bone quantity or quality are limited
  • The slightly tapered implants have a drilling protocol that varies depending on bone quality. The resulting reduction of surgery time is beneficial for the patient and dentist alike, with immediate loading (attaching the bridge within 24 hours) of surgery allows you to eat, speak, and smile with confidence.They allow for more flexible prosthetic and surgical options compared to other types of dental implants
  • All-on-4® with Speedy Groovy dental implants is a long term solution for missing teeth

general anaesthesia

All-on-4® and Speedy Groovy dental implants

What happens during the surgery?

On the day of your surgery, your remaining teeth will be removed and four Speedy Groovy dental implants are inserted directly into the jawbone. They will support a full ‘bridge’ of new teeth. During your surgery, impressions are taken of the implants in the jaw and sent to our in-house Next Smile™ dental lab, where your temporary bridge will be manufactured within the following 12-24 hours. 

During the surgery, you will - in most cases - be put under general anaesthesia. Click here to find out more about your options.  

Are there any risks I need to be aware of?

The threat of potential implant failure is extremely unlikely. With an exceptional success rate of 98 per cent, All-on-4® procedures are accompanied by a minimum risk. Crucial to the success of your procedure, are the experience of your dental surgeon, as well as the exclusive application of original Nobel Biocare dental implants. Other factors that determine the success of your procedure include:

  • Health conditions that cause unstable blood sugar levels (such as diabetes) can negatively affect the healing process
  • Insufficient bone density may result in failed osseointegration
  • Smoking is linked to periodontal problems and higher chances of implant failure

As with any surgical procedure, it is not uncommon to experience some discomfort as you begin to heal. Our qualified team will advise you on how best to manage any discomfort to make your recovery period as pain-free as possible. 

A Gold-Standard level of care

Before, during and after your procedure, you can be sure to receive a personalised gold-standard level of care, managed by your Next Smile™ team. They will be able to give recommendations in regards to your individual situation and advise you on ongoing maintenance and diet. Your Next Smile™ surgeon will also offer personalised support where necessary. You will also be fully covered by the Next Smile™ Warranty (subject to adherence to the ongoing maintenance schedule). 

Designed with NobelSpeedy Groovy dental implants and a Procera Titanium Bar, your new, permanent teeth are sure to look and feel just like natural teeth. To find a Next Smile™ and All-on-4® centre near you, please visit our location page or give us a call at 1300 625 628
