May 5, 2023

How Are All-on-4® Artificial Teeth Made?

Say goodbye to gaps in your smile and ill-fitting or uncomfortable dentures. All-on-4® artificial teeth will give you a new, natural-looking smile you never need to remove. Once these teeth are in, the smile is a natural part of your features.

Missing teeth can impact the quality of your life in ways that go beyond your physical appearance or self-confidence. Even one lost tooth can cause a domino effect on the rest of your mouth that alters the entire shape of your face. Simple tasks such as speaking or eating can become more difficult. Teeth can shift to fill the space, causing a once-straight smile to become crooked. A jawbone with teeth missing won’t benefit from regular biting and chewing and will slowly grow weaker. Bacteria can find their way into the open pockets of gums, leading to periodontitis. When this bacteria makes its way to other parts of the body, it can cause dangerous conditions such as heart and respiratory problems.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. All-on-4® is an option for replacing damaged or missing teeth and bringing back not only your smile and confidence but your oral health and the overall health of your body.

So how do All-on-4® teeth work, and how are they made? What are the materials involved, and who’s behind the craft? This article will help you understand more about the All-on-4® treatment, including the benefits it can have for you and the process that goes into it.

How do All-on-4® Teeth Work?

How to pay for All-on-4<sup>®</sup>
If getting a new smile in as little as one day with no painful procedures like bone grafting involved sounds like an impossible dream, it’s time to become familiar with All-on-4®.

You’re probably already aware of traditional dental implants, in which artificial teeth are held in place with a series of titanium screws inserted into the jawbone. All-on-4®, pioneered by Dr Paulo Malo in 1998, operates on a similar principle except that an entire ‘arch’ of new teeth is supported using four implants: two at the front and two at the back on each jawbone. This procedure makes for a quicker recovery time and avoids the need for bone grafting.

Next Smile Australia’s All-on-4® Super Clinics use Dr Malo’s own process, The Malo Protocol, which has a track record of demonstrated success. It’s a two-stage approach. In stage one, you’ll receive your first set of teeth, a “provisional bridge” to leave in place for three to six months. When your mouth has finished healing, and the implants have had the chance to fuse with your jawbone (osseointegration), you’ll be ready for stage two: the fitting of your ‘final bridge’, your second set of teeth.

Dr Malo has personally trained many of our dental surgeons at our Super Clinics and developed the treatment in partnership with Nobel Biocare, who are responsible for manufacturing the components for your new teeth. The All-on-4® treatment has a 98% success rate and has changed the lives of more than 250,000 patients.

How are they made?

A lot of planning and technical detail goes into All-on-4®, and it takes highly skilled professionals to manufacture them to Next Smile Australia’s standards. Our All-on-4® Super Clinics contain in-house labs where your new teeth are created using high-quality Nobel Biocare components. During your implant surgery, we’ll take impressions of your jaw and send them to the lab, where your teeth will be made within 24 hours.

There’s detailed information that drills into the technicalities of the laboratory procedure, but this is the short version. 3D diagnostics and digital treatment planning allow technicians to evaluate the bone quality and density and determine how to position the implants. After using Nobel Clinician software to plan the surgery, they order a custom-designed surgical template from the prosthetist with all implants and abutments. The template creates a stone model with implant replicas in place before surgery. This lets the dental technician produce a provisional prosthesis which the clinician can finalise and implant right after surgery.

Like most forms of dental implants, the screws inserted into your jawbone are titanium, while the artificial teeth are made from heat-cured acrylic resin. The artificial teeth are made to suit your mouth as long as you’re suitable for the treatment. If you’re still wondering if it’s a viable option, read on to find out more.

Benefits of All-on-4®

So why choose the All-on-4® treatment instead of regular dental implants or another treatment entirely?

There are several good reasons. There’s All-on-4®’s proven track record of success and efficacy. There’s the speed of the procedure and the prospect of a new smile in as little as one day. There’s the fact that the procedure provides you with long-lasting teeth and gives you fully functioning teeth. With no bone grafting required, you won’t have to deal with long recovery times and complications that can arise with more traditional procedures.

Are You a Suitable All-on-4® Candidate?

How to pay for All-on-4<sup>®</sup>
Have you lost all or most of your teeth due to illness, injury, advanced tooth decay or a genetic condition? Maybe you’ve been troubled by dental issues and never really had a smile you can show off.

If you need more than just dental restoration and are ready to step into a new life with a new set of teeth, there’s a high chance that All-on-4® is the right treatment option for you. The best way to find out is to attend an information session or arrange a personal consultation with Next Smile Australia.

Get a New Smile at Next Smile Australia

If you’re ready to get a new smile, the All-on-4® treatment may just be the right opportunity for you.

Next Smile Australia prides itself both on the quality of our All-on-4® Super Clinics and the quality (and attitudes) of our team
Our patient’s comfort is our top priority. We want you to feel relaxed and secure every step of the way through your treatment. We’re driven by honesty, empathy and a dedication to improving our patients’ lives and achieving the highest results.

Throughout the country, our Super Clinics are designed to facilitate this level of care for our patients in medically regulated, surgery-grade, hygienic environments. Staffed by a team of compassionate and focused Malo-certified professionals, including surgeons and anaesthetists, these clinics have in-house dental labs and surgical rooms. The most advanced and innovative technology is available to carry out all procedures. And if you live a long way from a Super Clinic, our accredited partners provide the same standard of care closer to home.

If you have any questions or would like to arrange a personal consultation with Next Smile Australia, contact us.
